About the Master

Woodworking that give me peace.

At Master Controlโ€™s Woodshop & Toys, I get an enormous amount of joy from creating beautiful things. Initially there is huge excitement, and eventually the lovely glow of satisfaction and contentment that the creative process bring. Then I got bored and start all over again with another project! My whole process of visualizing and creating from making a project to designing a new piece for a customer. This website is a way of sharing my passion for creating beautiful things.

Everything on the shop is handmade so if you have a need or an idea you need created. Just let us know. Master Control will help you. Here we hope to share our love of simple, easy-to-use items I make.

A lot of the furniture is a whole lot more complex and allows me to be creative. I donโ€™t release a product until I can say I would buy this if I wanted one.

Master Control


The Wooden Light turned on!

I have been woodworking since high school. Wood was something that came from the Home Depot, and got used to make my home, tables, and was used to generate heat in my fireplace during winter. Then one day after I was trained, I was asked to make a better product that would last, and what I seen at stores, were weak and ill-built out of pressboard. And then all kinds of types of wood spoke to me differently.

โ€ฆand so the interest was born.

I started in a small shed and the only problem was I didnโ€™t actually know anything about how to make outstanding wooden furniture. I bough some cheap tools, small saws, and soon realized I had a lot to learn, and that cheap rusty old tools do not a masterpiece make. At first, I created a few pieces of furniture, I got told by others I was really a outstanding craftsman. Whilst pondering all this new found knowledge, so I pulled it out and recreated it better. I showed it to an individual or two, and it was a sensation.


Years Woodworking


Return Costomers


Projects Completed


Different Products

Creation of Master Controlโ€™s Woodshop & Toys

While I was in the shed, I realized I had poor tools and a lack of space. I had a large carport, so I had my shop built where it was, bricked in, HVAC added, dust control system put in and purchased the stuff you see in the picture below.

Present Day

After losing my an outstanding job, I realized woodworking remains my hobby and my passion in life, and I was asked to use my woodworking skills to create a few projects. It was astounding that so many would want it created but it was an order, and it took off, so I started an account to sell my projects. I started with only a few, then it grew. Since then, I have been doing research on make more high level designs and have a head full of ideas for new and different styles and started designing them for future products.

A lot has changed since I first started. For one we finally found a sawmill that produce hardwood planks that are better than Home Depot or Loweโ€™s. We get our wood from Hobby Hardwood, and they are #1 rated, full time, small, friendly, family owned sawmill and lumberย operationย specializing in producing some of the highest grade wood domestic and exotic lumber in the country. ย They donโ€™t sell the same low grade wood that Home Depot or Loweโ€™s sells, they sell the best of the best.

The Finished Woodshop

Master Control's Woodshop
Master Control's Wood Shop
Master Control's Wood Shop
Master Control's Wood Shop
Master Control's Wood Shop
Master Control's Wood Shop
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