Design Philosophy

Master Controlโ€™s Woodshop has been designing and building fine handmade woodworking items one piece at a time since 1979. My approach to woodworking design is inspired by the clean lines and details, graceful proportions. Quality craftsmanship and focus on function that is the foundation of woodworking designs. We believe that the natural beauty of the wood was all the ornamentation a piece of woodworking needed. This approach to woodworking design results in simple, graceful, well constructed product that fulfills its function and is built from beautiful lumber.


For me, the perfect woodworking project has to fulfill both durabilablely functional, aesthetically and be appealing. It should draw you in like a sculpture in a gallery. When creating, whether it be a paddle or furniture, it is important for it to be stable. When you pick it up it, it will feel like it was made to fit your hand and you wonโ€™t want to put it down. And of course it will leave a memorable impression.

idiomatic Sustainabilityย 

Each of my woodworking projects is designed to be individually connective and unique designed. They vary in shape, size, design, added detail, and of course wood choices. For me, to is important to make each product unique. Furthermore, we work from scratch on every creation. Sketching designs directly onto the wood before starting work with a saw. Using any number of other woodworking tools.

When designing a new woodworking project I try to make it unique. I try to keep in mind that most of my customers do not have a limitless budget. It is important to never compromise the integrity of a piece to reduce the price. I try to keep cost in mind when designing woodworking products. Often a little forethought in the design stage goes a long way. It can result in considerable savings in production.

Design for Human

The primary factors in the design process is gathering the unique project requirements. The client must answer qualifying questions. That by determined by the wood type, color design and other preferences. They can given with preliminary concepts designs to review. This should respond to an interpretation of their needs and wishes.

The choice of using a type of wood is a personal one. Furthermore, while rooted in many practical advantages, it should use a sustainable material. Wood warmth and tactile qualities provide a welcoming elements. Structurally, it has its own form of expression. Itโ€™s structural qualities can inform and provide a logical clarity to the design.

Simplic Philosophy

Keep it simple. As design and form emerges, the interpretation of the requirements of the client. Including the wood, responsibilities, sustainability and usability. These evolve without restraint during the design process. Then, they are re-evaluated during the creation.

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