BDSM - What is it and What Are Its Benefits

BDSM โ€“ What is it and What Are Its Benefits?

What Is BDSM? BDSM is an acronym for a variety of sexual practices that involve bondage, dominance, and submission/sadomasochism. The practice usually involves partners taking on specific roles in which one partner is dominant and the other is submissive. These practices may involve such things as role-playing specific scenes or

BDSM โ€“ What is it and What Are Its Benefits? Read More ยป

Protect Your Identity

How To Protect Your Identity In The BDSM Community

Thereโ€™s a lot of fun and meaningful relationships that can develop from entering the BDSM community. But the fact is that being kinky comes with some risk, even today.ย ย Everyone has something they could potentially lose if they were found out. While Iโ€™ve never met someone in showbiz that was into

How To Protect Your Identity In The BDSM Community Read More ยป

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